You'll find us in Koehler St in Kumbia . Please come and join us for worship every Sunday at 8am.
We have a combination of pastor-led and lay-led services throughout the month.
Dedicated on 6 September 1959. Pastors Schirmer, H Temme and E Janetzki conducted the service. Also in attendance on the day was the builder, Mr Noel Hensenlite of Greenmount.
The Kumbia Lutheran congregation met some ten years before and decided to secure the beautiful site on which the new building stands.
It had been the home of Mr Gerard Koehler. A lover of trees, Mr Koehler had planted trees around the grounds as a border, numbering about 30, and there is a plantation of trees on the eastern side. About 100 tons of loam has been carted by the members to the grounds and it is proposed to have a lawn made around the church building.
The church is built in gothic style and is surrounded by concrete pathways. There are five entrances, the main doors being on the western end. The foundation is reinforced concrete and brick, with wooden blocks carrying the wooden floor. The foundation was made by the members of the congregation. The church upon it is built with spotted gum walls and corrugated iron roof. Total area is 24 squares. The nave is 57 feet by 29 feet, chancel 18 feet by 16 feet, front porch 14 feet by 12 feet, side porch 8 feet by 7 feet. The pastor’s vestry is 12 feet by 8 feet, elder’s vestry is 8 feet by 8 feet, and a flower room for the use of the ladies who undertake the church decoration each week is 8 feet by 8 feet.
Steps are of brick. Wrought iron rails set them off. Messrs Thamm Bros of Kumbia made the railings which are very attractively designed.
The interior of the church building shows the ceiling right to the ridge and massive timber is used in the trusses and braces. It is Bunya Mountains pine timber with cypress pine in the ceiling.
Walls and floors are of spotted gum. The hidden framework is of iron bark timber. The floor has been sanded and painted. Walls and ceiling are sprayed with shellac and flat lacquer, which preserve the natural colour of the timber.
The chancel floor has been covered with church carpeting in red. In the aisle a carpet in the same material runs the whole length. There are 43 windows, all are leadlights. The design of the windows is gothic style. The lighting is all fluorescent, the tubes all being hidden from view as the church is entered from the main door. The exterior painting is green-grey, with trimmings of claret on the guttering and sills. Doors are silky oak.
The pews in the church, in Pacific Maple, made by Kingaroy Joinery, have seating for 150.
The altar, the pulpit, baptismal font, lectern, hymn number board, communion railing, and the flower pedestals are of silky oak. They are the work of Mr E MacKenzie, Southport. All these furnishings are richly carved and give a devotional, dignified and very churchly appearance.
Into the three panels of the 8 foot altar are appropriate symbols which have been hand carved by Mr E McKenzie. On the altar stand and the Bible stand are two candle sticks and two candelabras of seven candles each, and two small flower vases. These are of brass.
Dominating the altar and the chancel is a large crucifix. It is 4 foot in height. Made of silky oak, the cross has a brass cross attached to it with the figure of Christ. The figure is hand carved in beechwood. Recessed lighting illuminates the cross.
Behind the altar is hung a dossal curtain in rich burgundy which forms the background to the altar.
All the painting of the building, concrete work, plastic painting of the floor and other tasks over a period of six months, was done by voluntary labour by the members of the church.
They took a very big part in the erection and furnishing of the structure. The cost of the building was approximately 6,500 pounds. But for extensive voluntary work done, however, it must have been very much higher. Special mention was made at the opening of the building of the skilled craftsmanship of Mr E MacKenzie of Southport, in connection with the making of the furniture, and the help given by Mr E Unverzagt and Mr W Blamires, local members of the congregation, each of whom had freely placed at the disposal of the congregation his skill, the former as carpenter, and the latter as bricklayer.
Foundation stone inscription THIS STONE IS LAID TO THE GLORY OF GOD.